Turning over a new leaf.

Finally things are starting to go in the right direction! The job transition has been a slow one, but now we’re slated for a move in the  pretty-much-immediate future.  I’m happy to say that our little family is returning to a town we’ve called home before. We had high hopes for a new start near the ocean, but the job opportunities were lacking, and the cost of living was not going to make the move a smart decision.  I still think we’ll get to the shores someday!

Now comes the fun part – a frenzy of sorting, packing and cleaning ! We’ll be searching for a new place to live, and hopefully our new home will include more space to dedicate to my business efforts. Right now I’m having to juggle TorchFire and all that comes with moving, and my to-do list plagues me as soon as I climb into bed at night.  I just keep reminding myself that in a few weeks, it’ll all be worth it!

But for now? Bring on the to-do list.

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